
Area of expertise: Embedded Software
Core Technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Experience: 15 years
Time On Site: 50%
Senior Software Engineer with strong experience in C# programming, MVC, GDS Patterns. Design pattern MVP, MVC, MVVM, Repository, Singleton and lazy loading.
OMR ? Entity Framework CORE, WPF (4.5 4.0), WCF, WWF (2, 1), Silverlight, ASP.NET and Winforms experience.
Web API, OData, Web API (2, 1), Creating 3 and 4 tier systems using EF, POCO, WCF, MVVM.
DML and DDL in SQL Server (TSQL), TDD using Jasmine 1 and 2, N Unit and MSTest, BDD in SpecFloc (1.9, 2), Selenium 2.2, TestStack.
Angular 2, 1.5, 1.4, 2, 6,7,8 Knock Out, JQuery, Moments, Jasmine, Karma, Node JS, TFS, GitHub, SVC.
.NET Framework 4.64 and Core experience.